Psycho-Spiritual Coaching

Exploring Meaning, Service, Connection to Higher Power.

Psycho-Spiritual Coaching

Exploring Meaning, Service, Connection to Higher Power.

Psycho-Spiritual Coaching

Exploring Meaning, Service, Connection to Higher Power.

Psycho-Spiritual Coaching takes the soul, as the beginning point of balance.

It has an expanded view of life, recognizing that the world is a complex mystery. It may take into account spiritual beliefs, higher-self cosmic connections, subconscious states of awareness, or metaphysical experiences. With the soul being the starting point, we come from the heart, whilst not forgetting the head, and from this heart space, we can care for the sacred interdependence of our selves and all life. You will be supported within a safe space, to explore and express your relationship to self, other and the world, using personal authenticity, inner wisdom, integrity, spiritual teachings and awareness. In the sessions, we may integrate talking, movement, expressive arts, breath work, guided imagery, and meditation. 

Psycho-Spiritual Coaching

“As you start to walk out on the way, the way appears”


50 minute session